I think when people try to learn to knit they choose the wrong pattern and the wrong supplies. Knitters were first believed to have begun their craft in the first few centuries AD.
You can even make some easy handbags, mats to begin knitting. Often the better yarns are provided with a range of knitting patterns leaflets. It is a good idea to keep the knitting yarn draped over the right forefinger, this keeps it to the back of the work too.
Yarns need not be dyed; or they may be dyed one color, or a great variety of colors. Having a smoother surface, metal needles tend to produce faster knitting but stitches are more likely to slide off by accident. Cable needles are typically very short (a few inches), and are used to hold stitches temporarily while others are being knitted.
Not only will this provide a nice social outlet, but your new knitting friends may also be able to help you locate and use new knitting patterns and new ideas for knitting projects. It doesn't all happen at once.